Once I was 7 years old

So the song goes that I hear on the truck radio as I make my deliveries around New England & New York each week.

Tomorrow I will be 73 years old, and it will be a busy day starting at 2:42AM when my alarm goes off. I have my early morning routine down tight at this point.

A 14 ounce glass of water, then hit the floor for my MA roller session on my back and feet followed by 35 push ups. Haven’t missed a day in over a year.

Coffee but no breakfast at this hour, just the bathroom, and out the door in my old Dodge pick up to the volunteer fire station where I park the company 18 wheeler a couple nights a week.

My birthday drive has 5 stops, starting at 6:30AM in Marblehead, then up the street to Peabody, and then join the commuter traffic for the drive back down 128 to I-90 out to 495 south to 2 different stops in Hopkinton, then back on 495 to just North of Providence in Attleboro, final stop of the day.

Not sure I was thinking about doing this on my 73rd when I was young and restless, but I have much to be thankful for regardless.

There will be some flashbacks tomorrow, but they will be fleeting, and not distracting.

The day after my birthday will be our 20th anniversary with sweet Sara and of course we have nothing planned.

The day after that is Sara’s Birthday and then Saturday is my annual Birthday Ride which has become a small group of guys by invitation, that used to race in the 1970’s.

I’ll have a little more time to reflect over the coming days and will get back to you on any revelations, if I don’t end up napping.