Coming Soon: "The Bike Guy” CBD Products!

New England Hemp Farm Press Release: Monday, October 17, 2022
Bill Humphreys – aka “The Bike Guy” is proud to announce an exciting new partnership with New England Hemp Farm, a local CBD company based in Groton Connecticut.
As the guy that pioneered the modern-day soigneur (French term for masseur/trainer), position while based at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs I traveled with US Teams to Europe and South America, where I learned from the best soigneurs in the world. There was no CBD available back in the day and I am amazed at the difference our CBD infused Relief Rub makes on sore muscles and joints.
Using the full range of CBD products over the past 3 years while looking for the right company to partner with has led me to my own backyard, and I am excited to be a key player in New England Hemp Farm’s expansion into the cycling market.
For more information see:
Use Discount Code: bikeguy20 for a 20% discount on all products.
Matt Bannon